Highlights from Boston Episodes on Let's Go Luna
Hello world! This past weekend 2 more episodes aired from Let’s Go Luna: “Old School“ and “Blanket Decision“. Here’s a few highlights from the scenes I worked on…
“Old School”
This dance scene is one of my pride and joys from this episode. My team lead/board partner Keith Silva and I made up a mascot for this episode and thought a Boston Baked Bean would be perfect. I boarded the song and second half of the episode, so I was able to throw in a dance where it would make the most sense. It’s a nod to that weird jig from the IT movie.
My reference for the Boston Baked Bean dance from “It”.
One of my favorite gags was this walrus I put in towards the end of the episode. Hockbar was getting desperate to get the kids to like his class so I had him carry in a walrus as a “guest lecturer” who ends up just laughing and slapping his belly… usually if something makes me laugh to myself then I feel pretty good about pitching it… but when I pitched this, I felt sooo dumb laughing like an idiot! But the final product was worth it because it still makes me laugh out loud.
Also I don’t know why I drew him like a manatee but I love how the designers finalized him.
I also got to help out with the initial design of our neighborhood character Ms. Anderson.
“Blanket Decision“
In this episode Andy has a flashback to when he got his special blanket, so I designed his friends Kimmy and Billy (named after my younger brother Billy).
I also made up the design and team name for Andy’s special blanket (based off the Rochester Red Wings and one of my husband’s favorite foods: hot wings). Just one of my many food references in this show ;)